Monday, May 5, 2008

The kids and I enjoyed a little spring weather the other day. Hopefull it will stick around and winter will go away!!!

So Rebekah runs the show at our house, as if you couldn't tell. She is a little fireball and loves to imitate her brother and sister. I am loving this two year old stage all over again.

Sam and Rylee started playing soccer this year. Sam is still wondering why he has to share one ball, he would rather just have his own. Rylee on the other hand loves to run and kick the ball. She is doing great and almost scored two goals in the last game! Her daddy gives her a dollar for every goal scored!

So Sam thinks he is Super Why. I had to make a blue cape and green glasses for him and he is in 7th heaven. If there are any of you who haven't experienced watching super why its on at 8am channel 7, your kids will love it.

Grandpa Steve taught Rylee how to ski this year. We went three times and she is now skiiing all by herself and loving it. I finally got up there after 10 years!! Now i'm wondering why. It is one of my absolute favorite things.